jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

92.1 Linguistics, thus, becomes (a byproduct of) Ecosystem. Linguistics, thus, would study and enjoy all the languages of Ecosystem, all the languages of all the more-than-human elements, that share the Ecosystem with Us.

92.2 All the Ecosystem is a unique and multiple voice, all Ecosystem is information. All the Ecosystems are a sum of space-time. All Ecosystem is knowledge, and is the ecosystem who nurture and construct "your" Self.

92.3 Linguistics, thus, is too the Ecosystem. There's no portion of ecosystem whose voice don't belong to (Human) Linguistics. On the other way, (Human) linguistics would cover all the pieces of information, all the memes,which can be perceived, or and imagined, by a Human.

92.5 Human Ecosystemology, only with all direct experiences accumulated in the History of Human species, would be enough to write "The Book of Life", the sum of all sensations channelised by our human ancestors and nowdays companions.

92.7 In that way memory abandon the virtual world of thoughts and thinking, and reason, and is actualy re actualised, each time you sense, that is, each time you connect and identify within ecosystem space-time.

92.8 "A rose is a rose", but she can dance in multiple styles acording to the direction, speed and intensity of the wind touching her. When roses dance at wind, they say us that, as a object, a rose, as a photograph, they actualy are a field of waves, a quantum field of waves.

92.9 The materialistic physical origin of psychology is patent in it Etymology, by which Psychology would be something like "Aerology", the scientific field that study all related to Air, to Wind, to Respiration, to that "invisible" element whose materiality and relevance was subscribed by all the religious (scientific) systems, that decide the term Spirituality, as the most elevated of reason.

92.11 The Spiritual Technology par excelence is thus our olfaction system, that make our identity with invisible air. Invisible don't mean Imperceptible. In spite of being patently neglected in Educated Society, scientists now defend that our olfaction systems are "the first" for our own survival.

92.12 The power of certain smelling experiences for connecting our memories with the memories of the past, what actualy indicates is the power of our olfaction systems, that smell the world in the meanwhile we are constructing ourselves, and the world Itself.

92.14 When the Earth was borning "from the Sun", it was when Baby Gaia Shower Happened. The atmospheric condensation produced the process of filling with water all the concavities of Baby Gaia shaping the oceans. water that in cyclic processes, return to land from time to time.

93.1 Organisms are thus sensible water-drops. Hairs can survive within air, but cillia live in water.

93.2 In which sense sensibility or tactism is mediated by water?